Cost control & optimization

Maîtriser les dépenses

As a technical and financial expert, the FinOps engineer’s role is to help businesses manage their Cloud platforms cost-effectively.

A profession as much as an approach, the aim of FinOps is to go a step beyond optimising expenditure, based on three principles: empowerment, knowledge and mastery.

It is estimated that barely 20% of Cloud users actually use all the resources for which they are being charged.

By introducing FinOps within companies, employees learn to manage the financial impact of their use. Equipped with the tools they need, they can calculate and report on the costs incurred by their activities completed in the cloud. Teams become more independent and gain a comprehensive understanding of the invoicing rules of Cloud providers.

Iguana Solutions will help you take back control of your Cloud budget. Optimise your platform and adapt your use according to our recommendations and your operational needs.
Take advantage of the presence of an expert with a hybrid financial and technical background, to fully embed the FinOps approach within your company.


Contact us to talk about your projects.

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