Iguana Solutions, sponsor of OpenNebulaCon 2024

Iguana Solutions is pleased to sponsor the 11th edition of OpenNebulaCon. OpenNebulaCon2024 is the flagship event on open-source virtualization, cloud, and edge computing. It will be held online from June 25 to June 27, 2024. Participants will have the opportunity to discover how Iguana Solutions uses AI-Ops to revolutionize and streamline their clients’ operations. Join […]

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Virtualization: alternatives to VMware [video]

Discover all our expertise in virtualization through the presentation by our VP of Products, Jean-Philippe Fourès, and our partner OpenNebula. In this video: The impact of VMware’s acquisition by Broadcom; How to choose between VMware and open-source solutions based on your needs; The reasons for our choice of virtualization with KVM; Detailed presentation of OpenNebula […]

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GenAI applied to professional services: LLM vs RAG [video]

Discover the presentation by our CTO, Mohamed Ben Braiek, on GenAI applied to professional services.  The agenda of this video includes: Introduction to GenAI Detailed presentation of the RAG approach to address the drawbacks of current LLMs: What is an LLM: advantages and disadvantages What is RAG: advantages, challenges, and areas for improvement Application: how […]

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Customer story & Deep Dive on Kubernetes on premise [video]

Relive the highlights of our morning dedicated to Kubernetes and discover the insights of our expert Jonathan Marsaud in video.  Thanks to Cyril Janssens, CTO of EasyBourse, for his confidence and feedback on his collaboration with Iguana Solutions: we are proud to have accompanied EasyBourse in the containerization of their application and the orchestration of […]

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Platform Engineering: agility and DevOps

The emergence of platforms What do Deezer, EasyBourse, Spartoo, Photoweb and Molotov have in common, apart from being Iguana Solutions customers? All these services are popular online services that we use every day. But behind the scenes, these services rely on a platform to run. A platform brings together all the pieces of the puzzle […]

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Observability at the core of Iguana Solutions

Iguana Solutions is an IT infrastructure hosting and outsourcing expert that needs to know in real time the state of all the infrastructures under its control. The continuous evolution of the various software layers, the arrival of new development practices such as containerization, new agile development tools and DevOps practices are generating more and more […]

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Renewal of ISO 27001 certification

The first milestone of the year 2023 has been reached: we have just renewed our ISO 27001 certification for 3 more years! This renewal rewards our efforts to continuously improve the security of the platforms we manage. As great news does not come alone, we took the opportunity to include all the employees of our […]

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Cybersecurity: Prepare your business for cyber risks

Cybersecurity in business: Best practices for strengthening your cyber resilience Since the Covid crisis, the number of cyber threats has increased by 400% in France. At the same time, half of the companies have seen a significant increase in cyberattacks (figures from the National Assembly). The ANSSI warns of the persistence of a “high level” […]

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Service Delivery Manager: a key role at Iguana Solutions

A Service Delivery Manager, an indispensable link in the IT service chain. In service companies, services are delivered in two ways: by project management (Build) and by maintenance in operational conditions (Run). At the crossroads of these two paths, we find the Service Delivery Manager (SDM) – a profile that is becoming increasingly common among […]

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New offer, DevOps as a service: experts at your disposal

Iguana Solutions puts its experts at your disposal to reinforce your technical teams How to find the right technical profiles at the right time, for one-off or long-term projects? How do you take advantage of engineers who are immediately operational and integrate them into your teams? As a service provider specialized in hybrid cloud-based infrastructures, […]

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Web Infrastructure Traffic Peaks: How to Manage Them?

How to Effectively Manage Your Traffic Peak? Every company has strong times, anticipated or unforeseen, which cause increases in traffic over very short periods of time, and produce significant stress on the infrastructure. However, it is essential that it can withstand shock and remain functional to avoid service interruptions, and serious consequences. It is also […]

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Energy Consumption: Our Partner’s Data Centers Are Ready

In a tense context where energy consumption is at the heart of our discussions in France, energy sobriety is necessary, and the government has already announced that possible power outages will be expected this winter throughout the country. For 20 years, Iguana Solutions has been offering its clients hosting and managed services 24/7 to ensure […]

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Business Continuity Plan or Disaster Recovery Plan

Business Continuity Plan or Disaster Recovery Plan: What Are the Differences and How to Choose? Within an information system, a disaster can happen quickly. While the risks of business disruption are always getting higher over time (network failure, hacking, natural disaster, or others), business continuity or recovery is crucial for companies. In fact, to avoid […]

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Load testing: the 10 commandments to respect

The 10 commandments to effectively test the limits of your web platform 1. Goals Load testing is often seen as a way to determine if a platform can hold 500, 1,000 or 10,000 simultaneous users. It is actually not. To prove this kind of claim, the scenarios used during load tests would need to match […]

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CDN: the benefits of a content delivery network

CDN: a performance and security lever for your website You have certainly already seen the acronym CDN (for Content Delivery Network ). Built of many servers that play the role of relays, this network ensures rapid access to the content of a website or application, especially when users are located at great distance from origin […]

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Autoscaling: How to implement your strategy?

How can you put in place an autoscaling strategy adapted to your business needs? Cloud computing is becoming a standard for business. Your company probably already uses web-hosted services. In a cloud ecosystem, the key to performance (and cost rationalization) is to manage resources: at all times, you must ensure that the number of machines […]

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Simplifying the journey to multicloud with interconnection

As enterprises seek to respond to the challenges associated with the post-Covid reality and the opportunities presented by the digital economy, the move to multicloud architectures is gathering pace. But as firms make the transition, they’re finding that multicloud is not the panacea for all ills. Indeed, it presents specific challenges of its own. Interconnection […]

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Kubernetes: restrict access to your K8S cluster

Mastering Kubernetes is not always easy especially when it comes to security. Through this article, from theory to practice, you will discover how to effectively manage access to your Kubernetes clusters. Read the full article on medium. This article was written by Jonathan Marsaud and Cédric Laudrel , System Engineer Experts at Iguana Solutions.   […]

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Case study: Kayrros grows scalable and reliable IT infrastructure

Kayrros leverages Platform Equinix and Iguana Solutions to optimize network, bare metal and storage services. The world’s leading carbon tracking company is transforming its IT infrastructure for greater scalability, reliability and security, while reducing data networking costs. Challenge Throughout the past few years, Kayrros’ global data analytics platform had been predominantly distributed across multiple service […]

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3 Strategies to Migrate to the Public Cloud

Not all business applications benefit from running on a cloud-based infrastructure, however, in those cases where they do, having an effective migration strategy to the public cloud is crucial. In this sense, it is essential to determine which of the available migration strategies offers “the path of least resistance.” At Iguana Solutions we are aware […]

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Top 3 Terraform DOs and DON’Ts

When working with such an advanced provisioning software as Terraform, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. What are the best practices to follow? What mistakes should I avoid? That is why Iguana Solutions’ expert team compiled the Top 3 Terraform Dos and Don’ts to help organizations to embrace this amazing open-source Infrastructure As Code tool created […]

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4 Ways Terraform Can Improve DevOps Adoption

There are many tools that can help implement DevOps culture in an organization. One of them, much appreciated at Iguana Solutions is Terraform. Few IaC tools are as flexible, powerful, and useful as Terraform. It is for this reason that we have dedicated this article to explain the benefits that this tool can provide to […]

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DevOps, The Ultimate Path to Customer Satisfaction

Adopting DevOps doesn’t have to be a difficult and exhausting process. In this article, we will analyze how with the support of Iguana Solutions you can implement DevOps in your organization quickly and efficiently in order to boost the level of satisfaction of your customers. Contrary to what many people think, DevOps is not a […]

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What is Kubernetes and how to use it?

The leading-platform for containers orchestration: from a basic to an advanced perspective This article assumes that you have some experience with bare-metal, virtualization terminology and microservices. We will start from zero knowledge about the container-world, describing the beginning of the era to understand what drove the need for containers, the first solutions to manage container-centric […]

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Retrospective: Sismology, Iguana Solutions’ Monitoring System

Timeseries, Long Term Storage, Multi tenancy & High Availability This article is a retrospective of several months of continuous improvement since the creation of our current monitoring system: what challenges did we face, how we overcame them and how we finally switched to Victoria Metrics. How it started At Iguana Solutions we have created a […]

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