Category: Cloud

All our technical and/or business articles on the cloud: discover Iguana Solutions’ expertise on the public, private or hybrid cloud as well as feedback from our customers.

Iguana Solutions in IT for Business

The IT Business newspaper in April 2016 write a special folder “Deezer outsources its high availability infrastructure to Iguana Solutions.” See an excerpt of it: “Iguana Solutions is the origin of many recommendations, including on the part servers, and works with us from the beginning on optimizing our infrastructure They also participate in the reflection, […]

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Open Compute Project include Google initiative

The Open Compute Project is a project that aims to share and collaborate on technologies used in the area of deployment and use of data centers in order to improve the functioning infrastructure, standardize innovations. This project is for 5 years at the initiative of Facebook. The Open Compute Project, aims to improve the technologies […]

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Deezer Technical background

Discover how synergy between Iguana Solutions / Deezer evolve, five years after the last customer interview to this customer the newspaper “journal du net” publish an article. Summary : big-data international database (InnoDB/TokuDB) and storage (NetApp/Ceph) upscaling network / cdn transcoding / DRM

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